=== Septera === Contributors: Cryout Creations Stable tag: 1.5.1 Requires at least: 4.5 Tested up to: 5.7.2 Requires PHP: 5.6 License: GPLv3 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html Donate link: https://www.cryoutcreations.eu/donate/ Septera is a multipurpose responsive theme, with a clean and elegant design, crisp, stylish typography and an a great set of powerful yet easy to use customizer settings. == License == This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html == Third Party Resources == Septera WordPress Theme bundles the following third-party resources: TGM Plugin Activation Copyright Thomas Griffin, Gary Jones, Juliette Reinders Folmer License: GPL-2.0 or later license Source: https://github.com/TGMPA/TGM-Plugin-Activation HTML5Shiv Copyright Alexander Farkas (aFarkas) License: Dual licensed under the terms of the GPL (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html) and MIT (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) licenses Source: https://github.com/aFarkas/html5shiv/ FitVids Copyright Chris Coyier - http://css-tricks.com + Dave Rupert - http://daverupert.com License: WTFPLlicense Source: http://fitvidsjs.com/ == Bundled Fonts == Icomoon icons, Copyright Keyamoon.com Licensed under the terms of the GPL license Source: https://icomoon.io/#icons-icomoon Zocial CSS social buttons, Copyright Sam Collins Licensed under the terms of the MIT license Source: https://github.com/smcllns/css-social-buttons Feather icons, Copyright Cole Bemis Licensed under the terms of the MIT license Source: http://colebemis.com/feather/ == Bundled Images == The following bundled images are released into the public domain under Creative Commons CC0: https://pixabay.com/en/street-sidewalk-vintage-old-1284362/ https://unsplash.com/photos/8WClaa1CmZ0 The rest of the bundled images are created by Cryout Creations and released with the theme under GPLv3 == Changelog == = 1.5.1 = *Release Date - 2021.05.22 * Added wp_body_open action hook * Added pingback conditional check * Fixed block editor font sizes using the incorrect 'regular' slug * Renamed landing page 'static image' feature to 'banner image' for clarity * Added 'Tested up' to and 'Requires PHP' header fields in style.css * Renamed content/author-bio.php file to content/user-bio.php to avoid name colision with WordPress' templating system * Added click-navigation to target panels in header content and site identity hints * Added configuration hint for header image when the theme's slider / banner image is active on the homepage * Cleaned up and optimized frontend scripts, including for WordPress 5.5/5.6 jQuery updates * Fixed left sidebar navigation not being displayed when there are no widgets assigned * Updated to Cryout Framework * Expanded hint control styling to apply in the Site Identity panel * Added echo parameters to cryout_schema_microdata() and cryout_font_select() functions * Improved breadcrumbs compatibility with plugins that filter section titles and add HTML markup * Improved JS code to remove jQuery deprecation notices since WordPress 5.6 * Changed custom post type label in breadcrumbs from singular_name to name * Better cleaning of weights in font enqueues * Fixed color selector malfunction since WordPress 5.3 * Fixed Select2 selectors no longer working with WordPress 5.6 on Firefox * Additional sanitization and even more sanitization changes to comply with current wp.org requirements = 1.5.0 = * Added option to control featured images in the header size enforcement * Improved Google Fonts functionality to load all weights for the general font * Improved footer widgets responsiveness when set to center align * Improved content spacing on single pages/posts when comment form is not displayed * Improved page/post meta options support for the block editor * Improved block editor styling for dark color schemes * Optimized layout detection code and moved to the framework * Optimized frontend scripts * Renamed top and bottom widget areas for clarity * Renamed and rearranged some theme options for consistency between themes * Fixed normalized tags still having different sizes * Fixed editor style option not applying to the block editor styling * Fixed deferring functionality applying to some dashboard scripts * Fixed $content_width not being defined in the dashboard * Fixed continue reading buttons in animated2 featured boxes using the same accent color as background * Multiple fixes for older IEs * Disabled featured images on post formats * Disabled search form display on the landing page when no posts are available * Updated Cryout Framework to 0.8.2: * Activated Select2 functionality on font selector controls * Added Select2 functionality to icon-select controls * Fixed RTL issues with color controls, toggle controls, half/third width selectors, number slider * Switched enable/disable options to use the new toggle control * Switched number options to use the new number slider control = = * Reupload of due to incomplete style.css = = * Fixed notice about malformed number format in setup.php since 1.4.0 * Fixed Gutenberg editor background color missing = = * Fixed block embeds responsiveness conflict with Fitvids script * Fixed notice about malformed number format in custom-styles.php since 1.4.0 * Fixed classic editor styling not working since 1.4.0 = 1.4.0 = * Adjusted headings color option to apply to landing page text area inner headings as well * Improved standards compliance CSS cleanup * Fixed long submenus sometimes causing horizontal scrollbar with non-fixed menus * Improved mobile menu non-link text to use the configured navigation text color * Gutenberg editor tweaks and improvements: * Added styles for the new block horizontal separators * Added editor styles for the Gutenberg editor * Added support for theme colors and font sizes in the Gutenberg editor * Added wide image support * Improved list appearance in blocks * Fixed margins on gallery blocks * Fixed caption alignment in blocks * Fixed cover block text styling * Updated to Cryout Framework * Improved manual excerpts detection in landing page blocks and boxes to detect and tags = 1.3.3 = * Changed static slider / slider greyscale filter to adjust in sync with overlay opacity value * Fixed WP Globus translations not working in landing page icon blocks excerpts (should improve support for other plugins as well) * Updated screenshot = 1.3.2 = * Adjusted margins and responsiveness on 3-column magazine layout * Adjusted responsiveness for page header and author info * Fixed manual excerpts being filtered in featured boxes * Updated to Cryout Framework v0.7.8.4 = 1.3.1 = * Fixed landing page content generation after first activation failing to retrieve all available static pages in some cases * Added support for shortcodes in custom footer text field * Rearranged landing page 'featured content' options to dedicated options section * Fixed an animation glitch affecting submenu items in some instances * Fixed header widgets being included on the landing page when header image is not used * Sorted icon block icons list alphabetically * Updated to Cryout framework v0.7.8.3 * Improved WPML support for landing page featured boxes and icon blocks * Added required PHP version check * Improved required WordPress version check = = * Fixed invalid markup on the back to top button causing issues with cookie notification plugins = = * Added landing page featured icon blocks overall disable option * Fixed leftover debug code making text red after click on main navigation search (since = = * Fixed header image not visible when active on the landing page * Fixed main navigation search icon click reloads page = 1.3.0 = * Added support for custom embedded fonts * Added main navigation keyboard accessibility support * Added mobile menu close on click/tap functionality * Added hints in the customizer interface for Site Identity / Header options * Improved label hiding option to only apply to default comment form fields * Improved mobile menu multi-line menu items behaviour * Increased mobile menu width on smaller devices * Fixed GDPR-related checkbox missing on comment form * Fixed comment form fields center alignment on checkboxes and radio controls * Fixed static slider positioning on <720px with RTL * Fixed site tagline positioning with RTL * Fixed spacing between title and logo on RTL * Fixed static slider image caption text alignment on RTL * Fixed header widgets being present on the landing page when the header image is not used * Updated to Cryout Framework 0.7.6 = 1.2.4 = * Added featured box titles link functionality * Added compatibility styling for Jetpack Portfolio titles sizes in widgets * Improved scroll-to-anchor functionality * Improved accessibility for landing page block icons, boxes links and titles, edit button, read more links and back-to-top button * Improved first content title spacing before * Improved landing page icon blocks and text areas disabling condition checks * Fixed site title border visible and taking up space when site title is hidden * Fixed cover+fixed background images zoomed incorrectly on Safari * Fixed cover+fixed background images shaky on IEs and Edge = 1.2.3 = * Fixed liliputian sizes for landing page titles in v1.2.2 = 1.2.2 = * Added landing page sections support for WPML/Polylang localization = 1.2.1 = * Added support for WooCommerce breadcrumbs * Added landing page icon blocks read more links * Added landing page options visibility dependencies checks * Improved on-page SEO * Improved tables styling * Changed headings size options to apply to content headings only * Fixed quantity input being too short for double digits with WooCommerce 3.3+ * Fixed landing page featured boxes not being disable-able * Fixed language flag images being improperly aligned in menus * Fixed HTML markup validation warning due to empty 'media' attribute * Fixed CSS validation warnings due to empty color fields and invalid 'default' values * Removed 'defer' loading of comments script due to conflict with Jetpack * Updated to Cryout Framework v0.7.4 = 1.2.0 = * Improved featured image srcset functionality to support more browsers and usage scenarios * Fixed page layout option overlapping category/search/archive layout when last item uses custom layout * Fixed non working translation in article publish date * Improved 'comments moderated' text positioning * Improved demo content check to use theme slug * Improved compatibility of dark color schemes with Crayon Syntax Highlighter plugin's editor styling * Fixed comments block being visible on landing page featured page * Added all weight values for the typography options * Improved sublists appearance in sidebar widgets * Updated to Cryout Framework 0.7.3: * Framework: fixed invalid count() call in prototypes.php triggering warnings on PHP 7+ * Framework: added cryout_get_picture(), cryout_get_picture_src(), cryout_is_landingpage(), cryout_on_landingpage() functions = 1.1.4 = * Added landing page background color options for specific sections: slider, icon blocks, featured boxes, text areas * Improved responsiveness * Fixed "back to top" button being visible in footer on mobile devices when disabled and also adjusted its "in footer" layout * Fixed Serious Slider style buttons overlapping in content * Fixed Serious Slider "theme" style missing styling on arrows/indicators * Fixed landing page static image and Serious slider "theme" caption responsiveness * Updated translation files = 1.1.3 = * Fixed fixed menu missing background color on mobile devices when menu is on top of header image * Fixed missing text areas numbers in theme options * Fixed non-translatable strings in theme options * Added auto-match for mailto: URL in social icons * Improved masonry initiation to check if function is available * Further adjusted landing page static slider image responsiveness to cover more usage scenarios * Adjusted slider button, featured box, aside border to use content background color * Fixed missing breadcrumbs background = 1.1.2 = * Properly fixed static slider responsiveness to better fit the screen * Added workaround for horizontal scrollbar on mobile devices when large menus are used = 1.1.1 = * Added integrated styling for our Serious Slider plugin * Adjusted responsiveness of static slider image to better fit screen * Increased content headers line-height to 1.2 * Fixed extra space under menu when main menu is set to fixed and on top of header image with boxed layout when no header image is set * Fixed editor styling option not controlling style.css enqueue * Renamed $septeras variables to be more generic * Fixed featured boxes not deactivating by setting the category to 'disabled' * Fixed dropdown menu width issue in Chrome with very short menu items * Adjusted static slider CTA buttons styling to be more generic * Fixed static slider caption container being displayed when no static slider caption fields are used = 1.1.0 = * Moved theme's styling enqueues from wp_head to wp_enqueue_scripts hook to improve child themes compatibility *** this will require updating the child theme if it uses style enqueues * Revamped single post previous/next buttons * Changed article markup to improve search engine readability (separated actual article content from article extra information) * Changed comment headers to 'footer' elements * Changed author bio div to 'section' element * Removed font-size: 100% from CSS resets * Restored default quotes on q tag * Added height to the header-image-main-inside container for cropped header image * Adjusted the footer widget area description * Removed font-weight from admin editor styles * Fixed site title overlapping menu icon on mobile * Fixed site title still visible when disabled from option * Improved slider image responsiveness * Increased article bottom margin * Updated to Cryout Framework 0.6.6 = 1.0.4 = * Removed content background colour from landing page slider area * Changed content left/right from 1em to 2em for better responsiveness and boxed layouts * Adjusted elements content background colour applies to and replaced its usage on some other elements with site background colour * Clarified landing page activation requirements in the customize panel * Improved header video support and fixed header height on non-homepage sections * Further improved sidebar and colophon responsiveness * Updated to Cryout Framework 0.6.5+ = = * Adjusted image inside links vertical alignment * Reduces WooCommerce select padding * Removed theme specific WooCommerce product title font size = 1.0.3 = * Fixed landing page CTA buttons responsiveness * Fixed image vertical alignment in main menu * Improved icon blocks responsiveness * Other minor responsiveness changes to the landing page, mobile menu and back to top button * Added IDs to landing page blocks and boxes * Fixed post navigation floating issue when no Previous Post exists = = * Fixed loading comments template = 1.0.2 = * Added CTA buttons to the landing page * Changed landing page slider and text area text sizes * Updated style.css description * Added a new default slider/header image * Updated screenshot = = * Changed slider/header overlay default opacity value once more * Replaced demo featured images with smaller ones * Changed left/right widget areas IDs = 1.0.1 = * Changed slider/header overlay default opacity value * Removed slider/header image grayscale effect * Updated default header image * Restored 'Reset Defaults' functionality accidentally removed * Added demo featured images for when theme is previewed * Added support for the theme preview sample sidebar * Updated screenshot = 1.0.0 = * Fixed custom colour for the mobile menu dropdown arrows * Fixed author description and info link arrow on RTL * Hid socials and footer widgets in print styles * Fixed article titles size in index.php * Changed archive page titles to be bold * Removed WooCommerce page-title font-size using old font-root * Updated translation files = 0.9.8 = * Temporary removed 'save/load theme options' feature until we complete the discussions on the subject with the WPTRT = = * Escaped variables in custom-styles.php, loop.php, meta.php and main.php = 0.9.7 = * Fixed area label missing translation in header.php * Default sidebar message is now only shown for users that have widget editing capabilities * Removed hardcoded JS from main.php ( the 'reset to defaults' confirmation message ) * Escaped get_author_posts_url() with esc_url() in author-bio.php * Removed 'comment-form' and 'comment-list' from add_theme_support( 'html5' ) * Reset custom WP query in septera_lpindex() and septera_lpboxes() using wp_reset_postdata() * Modified functions using the 'excerpt_length' and 'excerpt_more' filters to not affect the admin side * Removed @import from editor-style and fixed editor-style.css loading * Removed error suppressing from admin-functions.php * Fixed top social menu margin on mobile * Fixed mobile menu dropdown arrow line height * Adjusted z-index on main menu dropdowns and menu search to improve multi-line menu usability * Adjusted featured boxes hover animation * Added filters to ob_clean in custom-styles.php and renamed custom_editor_styles to editory_styles * Adjusted headings appearnace * Fixed slider overlay still present when opacity set to zero * Updated translation files = 0.9.6 = * Changed featured boxes hover animation * Added styling to disable Chrome's built-in blue border on focused form elements * Added explicit support for WooCommerce 3.0 new product gallery * Removed 'wp_calculate_image_srcset' filter support due to Jetpack_Photon::filter_srcset_array() issue * Fixed typo in description = 0.9.5 = * Added more padding to the 'continue reading' button * Added padding to pagination buttons * Fixed 'more posts' button animation * Increased landing page featured box title line-height * Fixed landing page slider title/text sizes with responsiveness * Changed post titles in posts lists from 40 units smaller to 80% * Improved srcset functionality by switching to viewpoint units for better responsiveness * Improved srcset sizes for the landing page featured images * Improved backwards compatibility for browsers that do not use srcsets * Fixed srcset sizes for 1 column posts list layout * Added 'septera_featured_srcset' filter and support for 'wp_calculate_image_srcset' filter for disabling srcset functionality * Added hint in landing page customizer controls for activation procedure and autofocus to static frontpage section * Fixed more posts button visible on the lading page when static page is used * Changed default value for Featured Image Alignment from center/center to center/top * Updated Cryout Framework to v0.6.5 = = * Fixed both DOX and UNIX style line endings in front-page.php = = * Replaced esc_html() with esc_attr_e() to make HTML attributes translateble in includes/meta.php = 0.9.4 = * Changed landing page activation mode; the feature is now only visible when a static page is set on the homepage in WordPress * Added featured content option for landing page to display posts list, the homepage static page (default) or nothing * Fixed meta information visibility malfunctioning on search results * Replaced _e() and __() with esc_attr_e() and esc_attr__() where translations are used in element attributes = 0.9.3 = * Moved "Edit" button at the top of the post/page * Adjusted post meta paddings * Added icon blocks icon/title animations on hover * Reduced landing page "More posts" button padding * Fixed unexpected arrow background on cropped featured images * Increased page/post titles default value to 220% and made post titles in page list 40 units smaller * Fixed pages manual excerpts not working and added support for tag in icon blocks * Extended Featured Image Alignment option to apply to all featured image crop variants added by the new srcset feature * Slightly adjusted headings font sizes generator function and added separate distinct styling for h5 and h6 * Fixed footer widgets responsiveness when "All in a row" option is used * Changed H1 to H2 in the static slider * Added site title always present in the source of the site (for SEO purposes) * Fixed WordPress' "Display Site Title and Tagline" option not hiding tagline * Added colour option for the H1-H4 content headings * Updated language file = = * Fixed floats not clearing properly = 0.9.2 = * Added srcset support for featured images and two additional featured image sizes to improve responsiveness and cross-device compatibility * Improved content_width internal handling to take layouts into account (for better handling of embed media sizing) * Adjusted the landing page block/text areas title and text retrieval functions to work with qTranslate * Added support for tag in landing page text area pages * Added WordPress 4.7 video header support * Fixed icon blocks customizer controls not displaying the icons in Chrome / Safari * Fixed author pages displaying broken titles in certain cases * Added landing page slider shortcode field to translatable fields in WPML / Polylang * Removed wp_kses() filtering from landing page blocks/boxes/texts titles/contents * Fixed header and main container padding discrepancies * Fixed responsive styling arranging footer widgets in two columns even when option was set to one column * Fixed before/after widget areas extra padding for ul/ol * Fixed header widget area position and z-index * Updated Cryout Framework to v0.6.4 * Removed septera_socials_menu_preset() function * Removed blog and e-commerce subject tags * Fixed page used as static page * Fixed search results showing meta information for pages = 0.9.1 = * Moved submenu arrows closer to the menu items * Fixed current menu item on landing page having the same color as the background on fixed menus * Removed grayscale filter from the header image and slider overlays if overlay opacity is set to 0 = 0.9 = Initial release